Charming Tips: Maintaining of Samurai Swords

If you own a samurai sword, you know how worthwhile it is to have one. According to a Japanese saying “Katana wa samurai no tamashii de aru” which translates to “A sword is the soul of the Samurai”. According to this proverb, it is quite understood how important the samurai sword is to its owner. Just as children are important to their parents, the same way a samurai sword or katana is precious to samurai. 

A Samurai cares for its sword as parents care for their children. Today, samurai swords which are also known as Katana still deserve the same care and importance. Samurai swords that are made of carbon steel can be prone to corrosion and become damaged. To preserve such valuable assets, they should be maintained regularly. In this DIY, we will discuss some important tips on how to maintain a samurai sword easily. So what are you waiting for? Let’s start!

Equipment Required:

In order to clean your precious samurai sword, you will require certain equipment that are listed hereunder:

  1. Uchiko Ball
  2. Nuguigami
  3. Choji oil
  4. Oil applicator
  5. Wooden mallet
  6. Piece of cotton cloth

Step 1: Preparing the working area:

It is important to clean the working area where you are going to clean your samurai sword. A samurai sword has a glossy and sharp blade. It is better to place a soft mat or cloth In order to maintain the quality of the sword's blade. Besides protecting the blade, adequate lighting is important. It is helpful in observing areas that need attention. 

Step 2: Disassembling the sword parts:

Although, it is an optional step. If you want to clean the sword without disassembling its parts, then proceed to the next step. Or if you want a deep and thorough cleaning and maintenance, then start disassembling your sword. Start with removing the tsuka of the sword. For this, you can use a wooden mallet to gently tap the peg (mekugi) out of the handle (tsuka). 

Once you are done with removing the handle, carefully remove the tsuba (guard). 

Step 3: Cleaning of the blade:

For cleaning the blade, you will require equipment like cotton cloth, uchiko, and nuguigami. If you don’t have cotton cloth, you can use alternatives including silk cloth, microfiber cloth, etc. Once done with general cleaning, apply uchiko. A Uchiko ball is a small cloth ball that is filled with polishing stones (Uchiguomori stones). The stones are made up of grounded whetstone or related material. Applying the uchiko ball to the katana’s blade is important because it helps in eliminating old oil, dirt, etc. 

And finally, apply nuguigami for removing the uchiko powder from the blade. Nuguigami is a high-quality Japanese paper that is used in the cleaning and maintenance of samurai swords including Katanas. 

Note: Makotoswords Samurai swords have a sharp blade. It is important to handle them with care while cleaning the blade. 

Step 4: Detecting Rust:

After cleaning the blade, thoroughly inspect the sword for any potential pitting, rust, or damage. Rust can develop due to humidity or poor storage. In case you detect any rust, try to remove it using abrasive material like rust erasers, polishing stones, etc. If severe rust is present, then it is important to consult any professional bladesmith. 

Step 5: Application of oil:

After thorough cleaning and removing any minor rust, here comes the turn of applying the choji oil. It is a unique oil that is helpful in preventing rust. Besides preventing rust, it also aids in the preservation and protection of Katanas and other bladed equipment. Grab an oil applicator or clean cloth and place a few drops of choji oils on it. And rub the cloth on the entire blade. 

Step 6: Reassembling the Parts:

If you haven't disassembled the sword part while cleaning, then simply skip this portion. And if you followed the 2nd step then this is an important step for you. Reattach the tsuba and tsuka properly. Insert the peg (mukegi) back into its place in order to secure the handle. 

Once every part is reassembled, check the alignment. It is important to double-check that the blade is perfectly seated in the handle. Because, if it is not reassembled properly, it can result in disassembling of sword parts during practice and it can damage the user, opponent, or surrounding. 

What Are Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Samurai Swords?

Some useful tips and tricks for maintaining samurai swords are listed hereunder:

  • Regularly clean the samurai sword.
  • Always check the sword before and after using
  • Occasionally apply choji to avoid rust.
  • Store the blade in appropriate condition to avoid rust and other damage.
  • If the sword is displayed, clean it and do an inspection once a month.
  • If the sword is in use, it is better to clean and do inspection after every use. 


Can I clean and maintain my samurai sword at home?

Yes. If you have the necessary equipment, you can clean and maintain a samurai sword at home.

What is Uchiko ball, Nuguigami and Choji oil?

A Uchiko ball is a piece of cloth that contains “Uchigumori” stones. They are used for cleaning and removing any excess oil present on the blade. 

Nuguigami is a traditional cleaning paper used in Japan for cleaning and maintaining samurai swords. 

Choji oil is a mixture of mineral oil and oil extract. It is useful in protecting the blade from rusting. 

Can I use another oil instead of Choji oil?

Yes. If choji oil is not available, you can choose any other oils including Camellia oil. 

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