Bestsellers on Spotlight: A Hollywood Date with the Pressure Treated Pine Cross Leg Bench

Bestsellers on Spotlight: A Hollywood Date with the Pressure Treated Pine Cross Leg Bench

Park benches are a big part of our everyday lives and our movies whether it's a moment of self-discovery, anonymous conversations or a therapy session as seen in this film. A heartbreaking scene shot in the middle of a park.

It's a moving exchange of two emotionally challenged but intellectually gifted individuals. Both are fighting different battles in life.  It forces you to confront a number of realities in life.


Good Will Hunting, 1997


"You don't know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself." -Sean Maguire 

A huge hit at the box office, earning a total of $225.9M from a modest budget of $10M. It became a bigger hit at Oscar’s winning Best Original Screenplay for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck who also starred in this film, Best Supporting Actor for Robin Williams, and Best Picture.

The smartest mind at a top university isn't a student, he's the kid who cleans the floors. Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, is a headstrong genius who is failing the lessons of life. Will's last chance is a psychology professor, Sean Maguire, who might be the only man who can help him. Finally forced to deal with his past, Will discovers that the only one holding him back is himself.

This park scene gives us one of the most powerful performances of Robin Williams. He schooled everyone and delivered his best acting ever. He talks about love and loss, finally reaching the stubborn and complex orphan played by Matt Damon.

The park bench placed in front of a duck pond serves as the perfect place for the two to finally connect and is one of the most extraordinary settings in movie history. The scene is shot at one of the benches at Boston Public Gardenon which Will and Sean sat. It became a temporary shrineafter Williams' death in 2014.


Pressure Treated Pine Cross Leg Bench  


Sit on this bench and read the monologue of Sean Maguire. Be the cool and incredibly perceptive shrink for a few minutes. Get someone who will agree to play, Will. Find a wonderful view of the garden where to set up the bench. Gather inspiration from the great scenery around you.

A great way to add value to your garden, additional seating and multi-functional. It can be used for dining, lounging and can also be a temporary console table for various items.

Our bench line is made with pressure-treated pine wood, the superior quality of pines suitable for outdoor use. Stain it with the color of your choice. This will bring out its natural wood grain design, and at the same time provide protection when exposed outdoors.


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